Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sister's Wedding in AZ

March 2nd my older sister, Michelle, got married.  I officially have a new brother, Greg!

Our flight was a direct flight out of Grand Forks, making the trip the most comfortable it could have been at 33 weeks.  We got there a week early and spent the week helping them get ready for the wedding. It felt like a pretty full week of helping, but I must say, I really enjoyed the nice weather and break! A few fun memories:

The house my parents rented did not have a T.V. It was on a rough looking golf course, though.  The kitchen had a window that overlooked the golf course and our live entertainment was often watching the golfers miss-hit.  We had a body of water and sand dunes in front of us, so it was hilarious to watch the golfers attempt to hit their ball out of the sand dunes or go for a search in the water.

One of my favorite parts may have been on Thursday.  We had picked up the flowers well, a few days early, and had to come up with a means to keep them alive.  We were scrambling and filling up the tubs in my sisters bathroom with water and the nozel for the water faucet came undone and we thought the apartment was going to flood.  Luckily, Rand was able to save the day :)

My other favorite memory was probably at the reception.  I really enjoy dances, but there isn't as much shaking that can be done when you have a growth on your belly. So I mastered the "prego" dance with a little hip shake belly rub thing that gave everyone a kick.

Golfers Trap

Creating a masterpiece

Palm Trees in the Backyard


Get it

Yes, my belly is as large as a basketball

No Rand is not pregnant. 

Most memorable part of the week. Operation save the hydrangeas 

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