Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving Party

We had so much fun going down to the cities to see family and friends. My sister and her Fiance, Greg, were up too. We enjoyed the Racine Family Tradition of making meat-pies with my Aunts and Uncles, games of aquire, and netflix fun. I got a chance to catch up with a few good friends too. My heart felt so full after this trip and I was sad to leave. Can't wait for Christmas!
Meat Pie Party with Sister Michelle and Greg


Dropping Michelle off at the Airport

Mom and I

Rand's "Elmer Fud" Face

My man and I

Ali and Cody Wilde's Wedding

Sister Angie and her boyfriend Joe

Greg and Michelle

Rand's Senior Show

Rand will be graduating with his Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Graphic Design and New Art Media on December 14th. I am so proud of how hard this man works! This last Monday was the opening of his art show at Hughes Fine Art's Center on Campus at the University of North Dakota. His five pieces will be on display all week in the gallery. Yay, Rand. Almost done baby! 

We both feel excited as we look at this next transition for our family as he starts working full-time for the agency he has both interned with and worked part-time for, Admonkeys.