Last week I received a phone call from my undergraduate internship supervisor at the schools informing me of a possible part-time social work position opening up. I should make it clear that next to being an astronaut, being an elementary school social worker is my dream job. DREAM JOB. A week later I received an informal phone call from the principal setting up a time to meet with him the next day. The Friday before New Years and before our planned trip to visit my parents in the cities, I was able to meet with him and less then twenty minutes in, the deal was sealed. Let me express the profoundness of this perfectly personalized gift from God:
- Did I mention this is my dream job?
- This temporary dream job was gifted to me in a time when literally I would not have applied anywhere else because I am nearly 7 months pregnant! It works out perfectly because the position is only needed to be filled, as of now, until April 1. NO KIDDING!
- Smoothest transition I have ever had in a job. So literally I spoke with the principal Thursday, had an informal, jean wearing interview Friday, and started the next wedding.
- I have my OWN office WITH a window! (The average social worker usually gets a closet office).
- I feel energized after each day instead of feeling like I got run over by 3 buses.
- I have a consistent schedule that is flexible by the week and am able to spread out the hours over my open availability Monday-Wed
- It is a part-time position (40% and 16 hrs per week) and perfectly accommodates my Graduate school schedule
- I get to finally build relationships with staff, the kids I am serving, and families. This was tricky at the hospital because I was always on different floors and always had an entirely new caseload of patients each time I worked. Definitely something my heart has missed and thoroughly enjoys now
- I can not believe how even in the challenging journey of being at Altru, the fruit it produced in me as a professional is making and has made my transition into this new role so much easier!
Today was day 5 there and I am still riding the high wave of this roller-coaster. I really, really love it.