Her favorite thing to sag is bah bah bah In a high pitched voice. She really exentuates the mouth movements, puckering her upper lip and opening her mouth really wide.
She learned to blow pretend bubbles after watching her nana chew her gum.
She gives me beautifully sloppy open mouth kisses on my cheeks and greets me with wonderful hugs if I have been gone for a while.
She laughs and squeals when rand and I smooch. I think he's the most thrilled about that one ;)
She treats her baby walker like a bumper car. She is such a hoot in it, motoring around everywhere, chasing Kia, and charging at people. Watch out!
She is learning to walk and fall. I've noticed this has been the scariest development for me so far. Letting her learn to fall is so hard, I really want to encase her in bubble wrap so she never feels pain. So slowly I have been able to let her experience the joys of independence. Rand suggested we try a helmet. I said, what about her face. Then he suggested a face mask. Ha.
She can say Momma! It's so incredibly sweet to have that name fall from her lips!
She recently got a pair of crocs so we both match. Hers are a lot purple and mine are purple.
She really has taken an interest in reading books and enjoys flipping the pages.
We have been teaching her to sign but she hasn't really caught on. When she is full she moves her head to one side and won't open her mouth back up.
We're teaching her to high five and she is staring to catch on!
She loves holding your hand and speed walking to different parts of the room.
She is starting to be able to focus on things and tasks for longer periods of time. She enjoys playing with her close pins and blocks, dumping them out of containers and putting them back in.
Her favorite foods are avacados and bananas,
She enjoyed her first ice skating experience with us. We were in skates and she was in a sled and then... She fell asleep, staring up at the sky!
The holidays were wholesome. We enjoyed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Grandma and grandpa seay, uncle Bryn, and auntie Alys. Such sweet memories. games, food dipping, a fondue night, yummy food, communion, toasts, Christmas light watching, monsters university, and skating were just a few of the fun things we did. Our dear friends Whit and Kyle visited us for a short and very wholesome weekend too.
A trip to my parents house in the twin cities capped everything off. We enjoyed shopping trips to ikea, trader joes, the mall of America, yummy meals prepared by my mom and our our favorite Chinese takeout and punch on New Year's Eve. such a sweet time with family. Especially my younger sister. What a sweet lady she is. My favorite part of the weekend was a quick escape one morning to dun bros where I spent some time journaling and reading.
It felt like a whirlwind of a holiday season. Moving, Christmas, friends, and family. I find myself still processing these past 4 weeks. My heart feels heavy grief over the time being over and return to normal life. Goodbyes are hard especially with those we love and I find my heart feeling heavy over the departures experienced this past month. I would never take any of the sweet memories of this past month back. There is such beauty with my heart coming alive to that grief. I finally get to taste the sweetness of true relationship with others. To be loved and to love. That is the source of this love sweet Jesus.
So I have allowed myself to sit in the pain of that grief today and letting the tears fall as they will.